

Beard transplant in turkey, such as hair transplant, usually the follicles are taken from the donor area( back of the head) and transplanted into the beard empty bald areas. Even for people who had never a beard , this procedure can be done successfully. As a result of the application, a beard can be created that maintains its naturalness and nice appearance. Since local anesthesia is applied during the procedure, beard transplant can be done without feeling any pain. The Fue technique is used during this application.


The hair follicles used during the beard transplant are removed from the nape back area of the head as much as possible without leaving any damage in the donor area. And these follicles are planted carefully with a special direction and angle of 30-35 degrees, as a result, natural looking and heavy beard.


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Why have a beard transplant?

For men, facial hair is very important. Sparse or absent beard hair can greatly impact a man’s self-confidence and this is deep-rooted in human nature. Hair in these areas of the face was (and still is) considered the most visual way of communicating masculinity and dominance. Therefore, men who have a hard time growing full beards naturally, seek a facial hair transplant to improve this.


A beard transplant gives the face a handsome contour and emphasises masculine features. This procedure is carried out anywhere within the typical “beard area” – so the chin, moustache, cheeks, and sideburns. Furthermore, any combination of these areas of the face can be performed as well as all connecting areas, such as the moustache or sideburns.


Is a beard hair transplant permanent? A hair transplant is the only long term solution to hair loss and this includes hair in the beard area. The results of this treatment are long-lasting, therefore it’s the only visibly permanent treatment.

Hu + Clinic and his team of experts are highly experienced in achieving a natural-looking beard hair density. Hence, they are considered the leading hair transplant clinic in Turkey. The procedure only takes between 4-9 hours, so only one day is needed. Additionally, the beard can be transplanted alongside a head hair transplant.


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    How many grafts should be transplanted to achieve the shape of the beard that I want?
    In fact, there is no fixed number of grafts required, since the number varies depending on each case. If the area of the beard transplant is free of hair, it will be necessary to implant 4500-5000 grafts. However, if a hair intensification is required in the area, it will be necessary to implant 3000-3500 grafts; and if the purpose is to fill the empty spaces on the beard, it will be necessary to implant 1000-2000 grafts.
    How long does the beard and moustache transplant take?
    Due to the nature of the facial skin, which is more flexible than the scalp skin, the grafts are generally implanted slowly to allow for a maximum control and natural view of the follicles. It takes about 3-4 hours to complete the beard transplant, compared with 2-3 hours of scalp hair transplant; however it will depend on the area to cover and the density of the beard that you are looking for.
    Will the hair growth of the beard be the same as in the scalp?
    If you are worried about whether the new hair transplanted in the beard will grow exactly like the hair of the scalp, that is different in nature, we can tell you that there is no need to worry. Transplanted hair in the beard will grow like any hair growing in the face, with the same quality and characteristics.
    Will the beard transplantation will be painful?
    Similar to any hair transplantation in the scalp, hair transplantation in the beard does not cause any pain. The only exception is during the anaesthesia phase, which takes 2-3 minutes in the posterior area and 5 minutes in the front area; anyway the pain subtends to the needle prick and it disappears after a few minutes.
    How long the operation takes and how long should you stay in Istanbul?
    Normally, you should stay in Istanbul just for two days. For example, if you arrive in Istanbul on Wednesday morning, you will be welcomed at the airport at landing time and transferred to the hotel. After that, you will be driven to the hospital for a blood test and first consultation. Then, you can make a tour around the city and have a good time in Istanbul. On the second day, the operation is performed and you are advised to have rest in the hotel. The following day, you will come for checkup and removal of the bandage. And on Friday afternoon, you can take your flight back home!
    What are the steps and stages for a beard and moustache transplant?
    The procedure is much similar to the way the hair is implanted in the scalp. At the beginning, we will draw the lines of the beard that are determined to suit the shape of the face, taking also into account the patient´s personal desires to achieve a natural result. After that and once the anaesthesia has taken effect, the medical team at Hu + Clinic Hair Transplant Center starts extracting the follicles from the donor area located behind or at the sides of the head, and it also starts opening the channels in the receiving area just as in the scalp hair transplant. At this step, the experience in choosing the hair that matches the facial hair closely is vital, something that only an experienced team like the Hu + Clinic medical staff can provide. After that, hair follicles are re-implanted in the receiving area, taking into consideration the hair growth angle so that the resulting hair appears normal and natural.
    What are the side effects of the beard transplant?
    Expected side effects after the beard transplant may not happen if the patient properly follows the instructions given by our doctors. However, as the patient undergoes a surgical procedure, he can expect some redness and swelling in the facial area after the beard transplant (usually about 5 days). The patient can get over these symptoms with good care and patience. It is recommended during two days after the operation to eat comfortable food for the jaw area, something that is not needed to chew, such as juices, liquids and soups, to give more stability to the grafts in the transplanted area. Another side effect as a normal part of the process is the hair falling during the first week. However, this side effect is very common as is part of the hair cycle stage, and will soon grow again within 2-3 months. After 4-5 months you will see noticeable results in your implanted area; and finally, after 7-8 months you will achieve the final results of your beard transplant.
    When can I shave my beard after the operation?
    Hair implants should not be shaved during the first 10 days following the procedure.


    What is the FUE beard transplant?

    The FUE beard transplant method is currently considered one of the most prominent techniques in beard implant; and our Hu + Clinic beard Transplant Centre in Istanbul is the best beard transplant clinic in Turkey, and provides to our patients the latest methods and techniques that modern science has reached in this field.

    Turkey has become one of the leading countries in the field of FUE beard transplants, due to the skills of its doctors and the use of the latest technology of beard transplant in the world, which gives guaranteed results. In addition, the cost of a beard transplant in Turkey is very cheap compared with the quality of the provided services and the cost of a beard transplantation in other countries.
    A new advance: the Sapphire beard transplant in detail

    The sapphire technique is the latest innovation in the FUE method for beard transplant. It uses sapphire blades during the opening of the channels for the extracted bulbs, and as the name suggests itself, these blades are totally made of sapphire. Therefore, they are much more durable and do not loose sharpness with time: this is one among the advantages they have compared with the traditional steel blades.

    The sapphire technique was developed to ensure an even higher beard density and a natural direction of beard growth. Thanks to the use of high-quality sapphire blades and the V-shaped opening of the channels, the beard growth direction of the transplanted beard follicles can be optimally determined. The application, also known as the sapphire percutaneous method, ensures a faster healing process.
    What is a DHI beard transplant?

    DHI stands for Direct beard Implantation.

    Direct, because with a non-DHI beard transplant, the beard transplant surgeon must first manually open channels in your scalp before implanting beard follicles. For DHI beard transplants, on the other hand, a pen-like tool is used that can do both at the same time.

    This special device is called a CHOI pen. The beard follicles are inserted individually into this pen. Then, using a pressing movement, the grafts are implanted into the bald areas.
    The SDHI beard transplant with Hu + Clinic

    The SDHI beard transplant was developed exclusively by Hu + Clinic. This breakthrough in the field of beard surgery is the result of careful consideration to improve existing transplant techniques.

    The combination of the sapphire blade and the DHI method is a new application that produces even more natural results than any other type of beard transplant. A perfect end result is therefore practically guaranteed!


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    what are the benefıts

    • Natural looking results after just a few months
    • High beard density
    • Can be combined with hair transplant surgeries
    • State-of-the-art techniques in a modern clinic
    • You can resume your lifestyle within just a few days

    Beard Transplant Cost   

    Like all the aesthetic surgeries, the most frequent question for beard transplant is the cost of the procedure. It is not possible to say a fixed number like in other transplantation types. Because we cannot know whether the person wants to grow a beard to treat hair loss or with aesthetic concerns. The number of grafts is usually the most important determinant for beard transplant cost. The technique, the location of the clinic, the experience of the doctor also affect the prices.

    Beard Transplant Turkey 

    One of the most distinctive features of men is their beard located on the face and along the jawline. The beard is the indication of a person’s age. Even some people see the beard as a make-up for the men. Therefore, it has critical aesthetic importance both in the world and in Turkey.

    Thanks to advanced and improved techniques in hair transplant, beard transplant operations became easy and successful in Turkey. There is an increasing demand for beard transplant, and more and more people call to ask a piece of detailed information about the procedure.

    In Turkey, we have experienced and capable surgeons for beard transplant as well. On the other hand, Turkey offers the lowest prices for transplant operation compared to other countries. Therefore, people from different countries come to Turkey for a beard transplant.


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