

Fat injecitons in Turkey is a method of body enhancement that uses fat cells from your own body instead of synthetic fillers or implants. Essentially, excess fat is removed from one part of the body and moved to a different area. Parts of the body commonly treated with fat transfer surgery are the buttocks, breasts, legs, face and hands. Fat transfer surgery is used for both cosmetic and medical purposes including:

  • Enhancement of breasts, lips, cheeks and buttocks.
  • Improving the appearance of scars.
  • Treating skin deformities.
  • Repairing contour irregularities.
  • Providing plumpness and volume to improve the appearance of wrinkles and signs of ageing.
  • Filling creases or sunken facial areas.
  • Improving the blood flow to certain areas of the body.

Many people prefer this type of body enhancement as due to the lack of chemicals and synthetic products, the risk of allergic response or your body rejecting the treatment is eliminated.


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    Fat transfer surgery may take place under general or local anaesthetic, depending on how much fat is being transferred and the number of parts of the body being treated. Fat cells are harvested from an area where there is an excess, usually the buttocks, hips or thighs, before being purified and injected back into the body, where required.

    It is important to be aware that there is a limit to how much fat can be injected back into the body in a single session, to avoid causing damage to the tissue. Depending on the results you are hoping to achieve, it could take a few fat transfer treatments to get the look you want.

    Is there a lengthy recovery process?

    Not at all. In most cases, you can go straight home after treatment. There may well be some swelling, bruising and soreness after your fat transfer surgery but this should resolve itself within seven days. However, we do recommend avoiding any physical activity that might disrupt the healing process for a few weeks. Injection sites are usually, where possible, strategically positioned to blend into the natural creases of the body so expect scarring from injections to be kept to an absolute minimum.



    How many sessions are required to achieve desired results?
    For facial procedures, usually one procedure is enough, although some do benefit from a secondary procedure. To fill in scars or depressions, or for large areas such as the breast, 2-4 sessions may be necessary, spaced out at least 3 months apart. Some physicians freeze the fat from one session, saying they can use it during successive sessions. Unfortunately, fat does not survive the freezing process. Used after freezing, it has no more permanence than a conventional filler.
    How long for each session?
    Typically, 15 minutes to two hours is required, depending on the treatment area and the patient’s desired results. However, you can leave the office right after the procedure. We often give patients oral sedatives to make the procedure less stressful. If that is the case, a driver will need to take you home.
    Does it hurt?
    Pain is minimal. We use a local anesthetic, and in many cases we may use “light oral sedation” which will make you very relaxed, and reduce the stress of the procedure.
    What about down time?
    Post-operative discomfort will last for 1-2 days, until the majority of the swelling goes down. The rest of the swelling may take a week to disappear. We will supply you with pain medications if needed. You can return to normal (light) activity immediately, but your face will not look normal yet. It is best to wait at least a week to resume more strenuous activities.
    What about the survival rate of transplanted fat cells?
    Not all the cells will survive the transfer procedure, but typically 40-50% will remain long-term. This happens because the fat loses its blood supply when we take it out of your body. We use a very careful technique when we re-inject it to make sure it develops a new blood supply in the new area, but there is always some amount of loss. Over the years I’ve learned how to add extra fat cells in anticipation of this loss. However, you may need a refresher session after your first round.
    How long will my results last?
    In the best-case scenario, fat transfers can last several years or even a lifetime.
    Does it leave scars?
    I have not seen scars from fat grafting, but there can be a tiny scar at the site of liposuction. It’s not visible unless one looks very closely and knows what to look for. I can bypass this issue by removing tiny amounts of fat from several areas.
    Is there a preferred age for patients receiving fat transfers?
    We have seen beautiful results in all ages. People in their 30s and 40s often look years younger, or much more refreshed. At some point in the aging process, typically in the late 50s and 60s, facial deflation has progressed to the point where fat grafting is best combined with a surgical procedure, such as a lower facelift or neck lift.