

Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective treatment methods for obesity patients and various individuals who are experiencing excess weight-related health problems. In recent years, obesity patients around the world choose to have obesity surgery in Turkey. Therefore, bariatric surgery Turkey has become one of the most popular internet search topics.

Obesity surgery Turkey includes all methods commonly applied around the world. Methods such as gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, gastric banding are successfully applied in Turkey and many patients can get rid of obesity and obesity-related diseases. While it is not a surgical method, the gastric balloon is also preferred in Turkey.


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    Gastric Sleeve in Turkey, also known as Sleeve Gastrectomy, is a type of bariatric or weight loss surgery that aims for dramatic weight loss. By modifying the digestive system, gastric sleeve is an efficient method to help you lose weight. The operation is done by using laparoscopic surgery technique which has a positive impact on the process and length of the post-op recovery. After the surgery, you will feel full with much less food and lose weight in a stable and effective way.
    The gastric bypass is a bypass technique that is the most commonly used surgical procedure in Turkey and other countries. However, it is also the most complex gastric surgery. For gastric bypass, a specialist surgeon reduces the size of the stomach so that it only holds about 15-20 ml. The remaining stomach is then sutured with a deeper small intestine loop so that the duodenum is excluded from digestion. This is also known as a bypass. Due to the exclusion of the duodenum, food and digestive juices, i.e. the secretions responsible for enzymatic cleavage, are only mixed in the middle small intestine. This is the primary reason why calorie intake is lower.
    Please be aware that gastric balloons are a sub-speciality treatment, and expertise in the care of a balloon is not necessarily widespread. Despite the low risk of complications, it is recommended that overseas travel is not pursued while you have a balloon as expert medical care may not be available and travel insurance will consider the balloon a ‘pre-existing condition’. The balloon is safely able to tolerate changes in altitude (eg. air travel), although transient bloating or cramping may be experienced.
    Gastric botox is a new weight loss method through administration of the botulinum toxin obtained from ClostridiumBotulinum bacteria (botox). The aim of the gastric botox is to provide delayed discharge of the stomach by injecting botox on required points of the stomach. The individual feels full for a longer period and appetite is controlled.


    When can I start exercising after surgery?
    Right away! To start, you will take easy, short walks while you are in the hospital. The key is to start slow. Listen to your body and your surgeon. If you lift weights or do sports, stay “low impact” for the first month.
    Will I have to exercise after the procedure?
    For many patients, exercise is important for stress control and appetite control, as well as burning off calories. As we age, lack of activity can lead to being frail or fragile, which is quite dangerous to overall health. Healthy bones and avoiding muscle loss partly depends on doing weekly exercise. Most patients also think of exercise as something that must be intense and painful (like “boot camp”). Regular, modest activity is far more useful in the long term. Even elite athletes can’t stay at a “peak” every week of the year. Instead, work with your surgeon’s program to find a variety of activities that can work for you. There is no “one-size-fits-all” plan. Expect to learn and change as you go!
    Will I have to go on a diet before I have surgery?
    Yes. Many insurance companies require patients to be on a weight loss program before qualifying for surgery. Many bariatric surgeons put their patients on a special pre-operative diet, usually 2 or 3 weeks just before surgery. The reason for the pre-operative diet is to shrink the liver and reduce fat in the abdomen. This helps during the procedure and makes it safer. Some insurance companies require a physician-monitored diet three to six months prior to surgery as part of their coverage requirement. These diets are very different from the short-term diets and usually are more about food education and showing a willingness to complete appointments and to learn.
    Will I have to be on a diet after the surgery?
    No. Most people think of a “diet” as a plan that leaves you hungry. That is not the way people feel after surgery. Eventually, most patients get some form of appetite back 6-18 months after surgery. Your appetite is much weaker, and easier to satisfy than before. This does not mean you can whatever and whenever you want. Healthier food choices are important for best results, but most patients still enjoy tasty food, and even occasional “treats”.
    When can I get pregnant after weight loss surgery?
    Most groups advise waiting 12-18 months after surgery before getting pregnant. Most women are much more fertile after surgery, even with moderate weight loss. Birth control pills do NOT work as well in patients who are overweight. Birth control pills are not very reliable during the time your weight is changing. For this reason, having an IUD or using condoms and spermicide with ALL intercourse is needed. Menstrual periods can be very irregular, and you can get pregnant when you least expect it!
    Will the baby be healthy?
    Yes. After surgery, there is much less risk of experiencing problems during pregnancy and during childbirth. There are also fewer miscarriages and stillbirths than in women with obesity who have not had surgery and weight loss. Kids born after mom’s surgery are LESS at risk of being affected by obesity later, due to activation of certain genes during fetal growth. There is also less risk of needing a C section.
    How long after weight loss surgery will I have to be from work?
    After surgery, most patients return to work in one or two weeks.
    Will I lose my hair after surgery?
    Some hair loss is common between 3 and 6 months following surgery but almost always temporary. The reasons for hair loss are not totally understood. Even if you take all recommended supplements and meet protein requirements, hair loss will be noticed until the follicles come back. Adequate intake of protein, vitamins, and minerals will help to ensure hair re-growth, and avoid longer term thinning.
    Will I need to have plastic surgery after weight loss?
    Some patients may choose to have plastic surgery, but this depends on many factors.
    Do most people who have weight loss surgery regain their weight?
    No. A small number of patients can regain their weight but the vast majority lose significant weight and keep this weight off. More than 95% of patients will successfully lose half of their extra body weight or more after surgery for weight loss. (1) Roux en Y gastric bypass patients, for example, on average lose approximately 70% of their extra body weight initially, and 2 years or more after surgery will regain approximately 5% of their extra body weight. (2) Compared to these results, patients who attempt weight loss without surgery, on average, are able to lose little weight and may gain weight in the long-term. (3)
    Can I go off some of my medications after weight loss surgery?
    Many patients are able to stop using some medications.