

Some patients may want to consider fat injections in Turkey, which use fat harvested from the patient’s own body which can then be re-injected to enhance facial fullness, fill creases or build up shallow contours.

How fat injections are administered

Fat injection requires a more extensive procedure than “off-the-shelf” soft tissue fillers.

A “donor area” must be determined (such as the abdomen or buttocks) and liposuction is used to extract the fat. The suctioned fat can then be transferred to the face, as a graft.

The grafted fat then has to redevelop a blood supply in order to survive. About 50% of the fat injected will survive, and the surviving fat will last forever.

Fat injection results

In the face, most of the transferred fat usually survives, but the results can be a bit less predictable. Typically, multiple fat transfer procedures will be needed to achieve desired results.

The use of fat transfer involves additional discomfort in the donor area. This is a minor surgical procedure that can be performed in the surgeon’s treatment room or in an operating room.


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    The eyes are commonly referred to as the window to the soul, they are one of the most important aspects of facial expression. The trendiest eye shape is the classic almond shape with longer, curved eyelashes with tapered eyebrows.

    Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Having beautiful, bright eyes makes all the difference to a face. Having an upper eyelid crease is one way to achieve this and look younger. In general, many Asians have no or partial eyelid creases. It often happens that the fat inside the eyelid (orbital fat) makes the crease less visible, reducing the brightness of the eyes.



    Is fat transfer permanent?
    During the fat transfer surgery, the surgeon will often overfill the face with some extra fat to compensate for the inevitability of the cells that will not survive the transfer and will be reabsorbed by the body. This leaves enough healthy cells to establish a blood supply and become permanent in the face. After about six months following surgery, the fat that remains should be relatively permanent, producing lasting improvement.
    What are facial implants made of?
    There are several types of facial implants that can be used, but the most common materials are silicone or Gore-Tex, which offer a natural appearance and a low rate of complications.
    How long do dermal fillers last?
    There are many different brands and types of fillers on the market, and each of these have different properties. Most fillers last about 6 months to 1 year, but there are also fillers that can sustain results for up to two years or more. The filler that is right for you will depend on a number of factors. You will be able to get personalized recommendations from our Emory cosmetic surgeons during your consultation.
    Is fat transfer good for weight loss?
    While the fat transfer procedure does involve some body contouring, this aspect of the surgery is not the focus of the process. Fat transfer is not good for weight loss, as not enough fat will be removed to make enough of a difference. Surgical fat removal is best for patients at a stable weight who want to resolve stubborn pockets of fat, in order to contour the body and ensure lasting results.
    Are facial implants good for aging?
    While facial implants can restore volume to the face, they are designed more for facial contouring than aging. Patients with facial aging are usually better served with fat transfer or facial fillers to restore lost volume, often combined with other procedures such as a facelift.
    Can facial volume restoration fix sagging skin?
    The goal of fat transfer, of course, is to restore the youth and contour of the aging face. Sagging skin is partially caused by facial volume loss, so restoring some of that volume with fat transfer can help with mild to moderate skin sagging. However, more extensive sagging skin may not tighten up enough following treatment, so patients with moderate to severe facial skin laxity should consider a more comprehensive anti-aging procedure instead, such as a facelift.
    What happens if I gain or lose weight after fat transfer?
    The transferred fat cells will continue to live in the area in which they were injected, establishing a blood supply and behaving like any other fat cell. This means that if a significant amount of weight is gained or lost, these cells could expand or shrink, affecting the overall results of the procedure. This is why patients are encouraged to be at a stable weight before the procedure, and maintain that weight following surgery, in order to preserve results.